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Dan Conneally PA, Real Estate Leader Interview
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Welcome to Business Innovators Magazine…Please introduce yourself and a brief thumbnail of your background.
DC: Hello and thank you for the opportunity. My name is Dan Conneally of Tampa Florida. I am a fulltime Real Estate Professional and a full time Dad. My son recently graduated Florida State University, debt free! He was in the Marching Band and JUST landed his first professional job! My business is made up of Florida families that have unique circumstances which require specialized solutions in accessing their equity and home ownership. We specialize in special needs.

BI: What would you say is the area in business that you are most passionate about and why?
DC:  I am most passionate about Real Estate. Everything Real Estate. The Buying part. The Selling part. The Financing part. The Fixing & Repairing part. Why am I passionate about real estate? ......Read More